
2023 ODS Contribución del Grupo Social ONCE a los ODS

Contribution of the ONCE Social Group to the SDGs

8th anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs

The ONCE Social Group is firmly committed to the call to action represented by the SDGs for a more inclusive and sustainable future, and is firmly committed to incorporating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria throughout its value chain.

As the fourth largest employer organisation in Spain and the largest employer of persons with disabilities in the world, the ONCE Social Group makes a solid contribution to fulfilling several SDGs through its daily activities. Below are the goals where the contribution is most significant, including examples of specific initiatives and key indicators for the past year.

The 2030 Agenda places the principle of "leaving no one behind" at the centre and expressly recognises persons with disabilities as one of the vulnerable population groups, mentioning them in several of its goals and targets.