The ONCE Social Group has many publications, magazines, reports, podcasts, newsletters, seminars, etc. In this section we have compiled some of them to show how we are and what we do
Así Somos
Avances en materia de discapacidad en la presidencia española de la UE
Red Visual
ONCE Foundation Library
Reading does not give wisdom, it gives knowledge.
ONCE Culture Podcast:
Arroba Sonora Podcast:
Podcast: ONCE Andalusia:
Ilu Sonora Podcast: ONCE Catalunya:
Exemplary model of transparency and clarity
The ONCE Social Group is known for being fully transparent in its management since its inception more than eight decades ago. Our activity is conducted throughout Spain and in many places outside the country ensuring transparent and close management for society in all these places. Thus, we are committed to information transparency when managing all our activities, publishing reports each year, and in daily information, providing rigorous explanations of the intense and diverse portfolio of products and services that we provide to the citizens, and in the rest of our activities. Let us also not forget the high level of auditing by both public and private bodies to which our accounts are subjected every year..
This commitment reinforces our position in the field of excellent management and the raison d'être of the ONCE Social Group to involve everyone in the actions and activities that are conducted.
Communication plays an essential role in our commitment, with the annual presentation of the ONCE Social Group's Shared Value Report (SVR). You can view the most recent issues here:
Download 2021 Shared Value Report Download 2020 Shared Value Report Download 2019 Shared Value Report
Complete newspaper library of annual reports of the ONCE Social Group
This report is more than a compendium, it is the result of an exercise in which the resources that this Social, Business and Foundational Group is capable of generating are informed, also how they are substantially allocated to improve people's lives through: projects to generate quality employment; training and development programmes at all age levels; support for entrepreneurs; development and awareness of accessibility; support for personal autonomy in all areas of life.
The Shared Value Report generates high levels of trust due to its clarity and proximity, giving a voice to a large group of very diverse persons throughout the entire country, where we at the ONCE Social Group are very present.
We generate our own resources autonomously and independently. In this sense, 70% of the income comes from responsible, safe and social lotteries, the remaining 30% being generated from the business activities of the companies that form part of the ONCE Social Group, thus constituting a unique social and economic project in the world in which sectors as diverse as Contact Centre, Security, Laundries, Residences, Hotels, Retail, Social Healthcare and Facility Services, among others, have a place, always seeking economic profitability but, especially, in order to generate inclusion through the employment of thousands of persons with disabilities.
Furthermore, our lotteries are resoundingly responsible, because we conduct certification and requirements work to make them available to society; they are safe, because we take great care in the selling and marketing process, from the design phase to the sale; and they are social because all resources are devoted to the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
From every euro raised from the different types of lotteries (with data from 2021), 55.1% goes to pay prizes, 32.9% to salaries, social charges and management costs; 9.6% to direct social investment for blind persons or persons with other disabilities; and 2.4% to investment for the future. The coupon and all the other types of gambling are therefore the engine that makes it possible for the ONCE Social Group to conduct its work every day, its brand purpose, which is none other than to ensure that more and more persons with disabilities see that their lives have the same opportunities as any other citizen.