Social innovation is in our DNA
We first started eight decades ago with the need to do things differently. What has driven us since then is to demonstrate that the future is social, that we can put all people at the centre while remaining innovative, and that we can continue to be at the forefront by providing more and better opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Changes in society are accelerating and in the ONCE Social Group we cannot stop creating projects in favour of personal autonomy; meetings where creativity and new ventures are encouraged; places for study, testing and technological development. We put artificial intelligence at our service, we are in the world of video games, we promote accessibility in digital and physical environments and we listen to and reward good ideas, all to build the more accessible and more human future we are working to achieve. We do this for and by the people.
Social innovation is what allows us to remain relevant in a society that, like our Oncelio, is constantly on the move.
Some of our innovative projects:
CTI (Centre for Typhlotechnology and Innovation)
We love to showcase the Centre for Technologies and Innovation (CTI) as the centre of the ONCE. A benchmark in Spain and the world in accessibility and support products for blind and low vision persons. It is where we showcase jaw-dropping technologies with over 150 projects completed each year. Many other projects that contribute to the autonomy of blind persons are assessed here, unstoppable with these tools.
The centre works in all areas of life. We adapt work, study places, and communicate innovative technical solutions for equal opportunities in everyday activities and at work. The idea is that persons who are blind or with severe low vision can have access to the technical means required to develop their abilities.
Inserta Innovación
Inserta Innovación, as part of the ONCE Foundation, develops, together with other entities, projects and programmes aimed at promoting the employment of persons with disabilities. It provides companies and institutions with services aimed at the inclusion of social talent in their organisations.
It provides training to promote technical and professional development for persons with disabilities seeking employment. Its main objective is for them to succeed and for this employment to be sustainable and of good quality.
One of its most outstanding projects is the Inserta Responsable Forum, a space for dialogue and reflection to design social innovation. In addition, the Forum allows for the sharing and dissemination of knowledge, the dissemination of good practices and the development of new tools to support persons with disabilities.
It is a forum for work and social innovation with a network of more than 100 companies, public administrations and business schools. It is made up of organisations and institutions that, together with the ONCE Foundation, work hand in hand, and evaluates Social Responsibility and Disability policies, in addition to assessing opportunities provided by disability in both companies and organisations.
ONCE Innova Emprendedores
Is there anyone who does not like to let their imagination run wild? In 2019 the "Reto Interno ONCE Innova” challenge aimed at promoting original and effective ideas to improve the quality of life of blind persons or persons with other disabilities. This initiative invites workers and members of the Organisation to compete with their innovative ideas in a bold contest with surprising results.
The first edition was so successful that the following year the ONCE opened the challenge to all startups, digital SMEs and entrepreneurs in general. In this way, anyone can contribute their innovation projects. The competition is designed to give visibility, scope and a commercial outlet to all the prototypes, solutions and programmes that are suitable for improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and the quality of work of the ONCE Social Group's staff.
This is how the ONCE Innova Emprendedores was created. A competition that has become a classic because it has brought great joy with daring and innovative proposals. The most outstanding proposals range from voice signatures to inclusive visits to museums and other spaces.
Now ONCE Innova is much more than a competition and challenge, it is a way of life and thinking, a community of minds working to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities and the persons who work in the ONCE Social Group. It is also a meeting of creative persons and one of the most avant-garde programmes in search of original solutions that can be turned into successful products.
Competition of experiences and good practices
Every year, the ONCE organises the Competition for Experiences in Innovation and Good Practices in Social Services among its professionals. It does so to promote creativity, innovation and to raise awareness of the work of the Organisation's professionals. This initiative has the challenge of bringing new ideas and solutions to the needs of visually impaired persons working together.
Professionals from the ONCE's Social Services participate and are recognised, individually or in groups. These may be those providing psychosocial support, rehabilitation, educational care, communication and access to information; employment support, leisure and free time, and welfare support, and those conducting activities in socio-cultural and sports animation, volunteering, social holidays, bibliographic services, cultural promotion, in any other programme or activity of the social services, including the professionals of the Foundations and Federations under the ONCE. This results in day-to-day improvements through collaborative innovation.
Innovating in the circular economy
This is the latest and most innovative division created by Ilunion: Circular Economy is an alternative and already a reality that improves the current model, as it analyses the consumption of finite resources and aims to reduce them to the point of eliminating waste from the system, all with the objective of achieving benefits for society as a whole.
Along these lines, more than 15,000 tonnes of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) are treated each year, extracting hazardous and potentially polluting substances to recover materials that can be used from the two industrial plants in La Bañeza (León) and Campo Real (Madrid), 90% of which can be reintroduced into the production circuit to create new products and prevent the extraction of materials from nature. The majority of the workforce is made up of persons with disabilities and in rural areas, where it helps to fix the population.
Ilunion Accessibilidad with everyone included
It covers areas from social research, consultancy and accessible technology to adaptations of the environment to meet diverse needs.
Ilunion Accessibilidad works in tourism, promoting accessibility measures in the healthcare system and banking. It collaborates with third sector entities, or in retail, providing accessibility to the user in the purchasing process and in public administration.
The aim of Ilunion Accessibilidad is to achieve universal accessibility in both physical and technological environments, on the basis that accessibility must be included in everything.
Other accessibility innovation projects
The ONCE Foundation has many different projects, including some of its own and others in collaboration with public and/or private entities:
- Virtual elevator button panel, PULSE
- Ga11y, Accessible Video Games
- 'Accesjobs', a videoconferencing tool that can be configured to adapt to everyone's needs.
- 'AccesRobots', a robotic platform for the development of robotic assistants with browsing, handling and perception abilities.
- Project to design and print 3D support products.
- UNINNOVA, a collaborative digital environment devoted to promoting accessibility and improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities, the elderly and other groups at risk of social exclusion.
- App 'Medicamente Accesible +'
- App 'Incluyes'
Recognised worldwide
We collaborate with the main IBEX companies, multinationals, major national infrastructures and public administrations.
We are present all over Spain, from the big cities to the most remote villages.
We hold the best reputational ranking positions:
1st Position Merco ESC Responsibility
3rd Position Merco Companies
1st Position Merco foundations and NGO sectors