ESG Responsibility

2023 RESPONSABILIDAD ESG. Estamos en los mejores rankings NUEVO

The term ESG stands for environmental, social and governance criteria. Three aspects that the ONCE Social Group maintains today and has put into practice since its creation eight decades ago, a benchmark in Responsibility.

We are in the best reputation rankings
1st ESG
3rd Business

The different voices of our society (MERCO source) have given us a position in the most reliable reputation rankings in Spain:

Responsive Image

This position is the result of constant work, always convinced that generating value in our environment is the ONCE Social Group's way of thanking the public for their support.

Throughout its history, the ONCE Social Group has achieved a great reputation and social acceptance, through its proximity, responsible, safe and social lottery, the quality and innovation of its social services and the ethics applied in all business and social areas.

2023 RESPONSABILIDAD ESG. Nuestra contribución está en las acciones diarias

Our contribution is in our daily actions:

The ONCE Social Group (ONCE, ONCE Foundation and Ilunion) has more and more tools available to continue taking more measures and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically: health, well-being, decent work, gender equality, economic growth, reduction of inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption, climate action, peace, justice and strong institutions and partnerships to achieve goals. Helping to build an inclusive, circular and sustainable economy that leaves no one behind.


RESPONSABILIDAD ESG. Responsables con el medio ambiente

In the environmental field: We take care of our home
100% of the paper we use in lotteries comes from sustainable forests
72,7% of our energy comes from renewable sources
1.308 tonnes of CO2 emissions prevented in our laundries
100% of machinery replaced at the ONCE prevents noise and gas pollutants



Both materials and waste have an impact on the planet. We are constantly moving to reduce our environmental impact and these efforts are gaining increased ground in our three areas (ONCE, ONCE Foundation and Ilunion).

We have been promoting different initiatives since 2021 in an attempt to create a fairer environment for all. For example, reducing air pollution, including noise and light pollution, among many others. We are taking firm steps towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and boosting energy efficiency.

We do all this by while close to your interests. Because sustainability, when it is person-centred, is no longer a distant goal and allows us all to be at the centre of change.

Also, from our Ilunion business area, we have launched projects such as Llewo, Recycling4all and Bosque Ilunion, which combine profitability, social impact and decarbonisation, contributing to the consolidation of Ilunion as an increasingly strong company in the management of ESG aspects.

In the social field: our essence

Contribuyendo con nuestro compromiso de crear un entorno más justo para todos Thanks to our social focus, 44% of the ONCE Social Group's employees are currently women and 60% of our workers are persons with disabilities.


The S (for Social) is at the heart of what we do and is underpinned by the trust you place in us every time you choose our products or services. Working today to consolidate an inclusive, circular and sustainable economy that includes all of us equally is what is represented through the social S.

Some examples of our social activity are:

In the ONCE Social Group, we can confirm that there are many alliances that help us to meet all the milestones we set ourselves. To be sustainable is also to be an ally, to know how to work and be part of the business and social ecosystem around us. The ONCE Foundation is working to secure these social commitments: the Por Talento Digital Programme for the development of skills in the digital field, Inserta Empleo for employment guidance.

We know that the benefits of work go beyond economic satisfaction, they involve life projects. This is why we believe that our contribution must go beyond the professional to train the so-called "soft skills". Both motivation and emotional well-being of every person are essential for their development. With the "Por Talento Digital" programme, we develop digital skills so that young people can participate and contribute to other young people.

The fact that every person should have the same opportunities in the "internet of things" is what moves us to undertake accessibility to new technologies programmes such as the Queen Letizia Programme for the inclusion and promotion of the Ga11y project on accessible video games, among others.

It is with the commitment to promote equal treatment between women and men in 2009 that we created the Observatory for Equal Opportunities of the ONCE Social Group. It promotes reflection on the current reality and proposes lines of improvement in the levels of women's active participation.

In addition, the Observatory analyses the situation of all women, especially those with disabilities, both from the perspective of access to employment or other social services, in addition to their participation in politics, management or trade union representation.

In the governance field:

Our focus is and will continue to be social, without forgetting to be competitive and to make progress on environmental and good governance commitments.


Our Corporate Governance is elected by a vote of the ONCE members in a democratic process. It takes care of composition and diversity and ensures the representation of persons with and without disabilities. Through our governance, and a process of transparency and accountability, we ensure good stewardship of resources and full allocation to our social purpose.

Our governance pursues respect for human rights and rigorous codes of conduct. We guarantee decent quality of life conditions for everyone who collaborates with us.

Focused on the future, on persons

By thinking about ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria one automatically focuses one’s thoughts on fighting against climate change and protecting the environment. These are certainly issues to which special attention needs to be paid. In recent times, however, we have become increasingly aware that sustainability is a broad term, to be understood as a web of interrelated elements that can never be separated from the S for social and, above all, that mark our performance as a Group. As the ONCE Social Group, we confirm - and move forward - year after year, that we work to ensure a model of job creation that enjoys legitimacy, coherence and consistency in everything we promote.

Our efforts are focused on being a responsible Group. Responsible with its environment, with the people who are part of it and with all the actions and activities we promote. Therefore, it is no coincidence that we are seen as one of the most reputable and responsible organisations in Spain.


Our brands: ONCE, Fundación ONCE and Ilunion have shown a firm commitment to continue improving and increasing the scope of everything we do, always aligned with a firm objective: to continue growing with ESG criteria, to continue being competitive and always reinforcing our social dimension, environmental and good governance commitments.

In the future organisations will have ESG criteria included as part of their day-to-day business. More than a requirement to be fulfilled, it will be part of a corporate culture, of the project for the future. The ONCE Social Group is achieving this thanks to your trust, based on our work over the past eight decades, and if we still have a long way to go, we want to do this with you, as we have done so far.

We do all this by listening to and being close to the groups that give voice to our society, by being part of the main platforms promoting sustainability, and by being protagonists of the main changes in this field, in addition to collaborating from an institutional perspective. We are part of Forética, Spainsif, Fundación SERES, in addition to programmes and initiatives, in Spain and abroad, which aim to contribute our knowledge and experience to improve our environment and have a greater impact, generating alliances.

At the ONCE Social Group, we are convinced that, in the future, organisations will either be much more sustainable or not at all. Leadership will be a responsible, sustainable and inclusive leadership, or it will not be leadership.

Nuestra contribución a los ODS

9º aniversario de la aprobación de la Agenda 2030 y los ODS