Diversity in the ONCE Social Group

DIVERSIDAD Mayo de 2024, mes de la diversidad

At the ONCE Social Group, our aim is to achieve equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. To do this, not only do we allocate the necessary resources in each area, but we do so by always guaranteeing the diversity of the teams and human beings that make it up.

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DIVERSIDAD Iguales en diversidad

Equal in diversity

The group is equal in diversity ensuring that every person, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, age, place of birth or disability, lives in a stable environment of inclusion and tolerance, both socially and, above all, in the workplace.

This is why we wish to join in the celebration of the European Month of Diversity 2024, which is celebrated every month of May to highlight the efforts made to create inclusive and diverse environments for every person, whatever they are, taking advantage of what makes us different to strengthen heterogeneous teams where everyone contributes.

How does the ONCE Social Group work on diversity?

There are several areas in which the Group works to promote the diversity of its teams and to ensure that no one is discriminated against in their social and work environment for any of the following:

At the ONCE Social Group, we work to ensure that persons with disabilities are fully integrated into society and the workplace with equal opportunities. The Group has different projects so that young and old, men and women with disabilities can develop the necessary competences and skills to perform their jobs and have the necessary qualifications to conduct any professional work on equal terms, without any discrimination either internally or externally. In addition to work, the ONCE Social Group also has volunteer programmes to accompany and support persons with disabilities in sports, leisure and cultural activities, among others.

In addition, collaboration with representative bodies of other vulnerable groups is further strengthened, building on partnerships established over many years of inclusion.
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Of the total number of ONCE Social Group employees throughout Spain, more than 44% are women. It is our wish to continue seeking a true parity that does not show any distinction, that allows work-family reconciliation, that does not generate any kind of wage gap or inequalities at work. In this sense, there are many internal programmes in our social, foundational and business areas (ONCE, ONCE Foundation and Ilunion) that promote gender parity in any work team and the full inclusion of women in any professional group and environment, especially those with disabilities and even those who have been victims of gender-based violence, such as the Inserta Empleo Women in "ON-VG" Mode project.

In addition, in the different areas of the Social Group we have figures such as the Equality Agents or the ever-present Observatory for Equal Opportunities of the ONCE Social Group.
Sexual orientation
At the ONCE Social Group, we take into account and respect the gender identity and sexual orientation of each person, a universal and innate right thait is characteristic of egalitarian societies. Because of this, there are many internal programmes and initiatives to ensure a totally inclusive and safe working environment, where we work very hard on projects to raise awareness among the entire workforce in this regard, to promote free expression and safety, and to provide protocols and services to prevent any kind of harassment, contempt or discrimination against persons who may be considered LGTBIQ+.

Initiatives such as the ONCE coupon dedicated to Pride or the agreement between Ilunion and FELGTB, the main objective of which is to promote the employment of trans women with disabilities, are some of the Group's activities for a healthy and safe environment.
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Diversity, in all its variants, enriches individuals and teams. This is why professionals from different generations and decades of birth coexisting on the staffs of the different areas of the ONCE Social Group must serve to generate opportunities and inspiration in any field, considering the points of view of all these persons, thus also guaranteeing the integration of workers of all ages in any team with their particular perspectives in favour of a fully equitable and intergenerational production.

The Group has many benefits for older employees, ranging from specific services, special conditions, reduced working hours, salary increases based on length of service, and recognition of long-standing employees to thank them for their commitment and loyalty.
At the ONCE Social Group, we promote multiculturalism as a source of growth, innovation and cohesion for all persons, regardless of their origin and ethnicity. The cultural richness of the Group should serve to enhance the growth of each individual from different backgrounds and points of view based on their geographically contextualised experiences. We are committed to talent and tolerance and respect for the ethnic group, culture and place of origin of each person as the cornerstone from which to build healthy projects and teams, guaranteeing the inclusion of all human beings in any environment.

The Group also has international cooperation foundations, such as FOAL, or the Ilunion laundries in countries such as Colombia.
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