At ONCE Social Group we are firmly committed to sustainability and the fight against climate change. How? By contributing to the development of a greener, low-carbon and more inclusive economy.
People with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to climate change. This was reflected upon at the event “Climate Change, Ecological Transition and People with Disabilities".
There is a strong interdependence between S for social and E for environmental (within the ESG parameters). In order to speak of sustainability, any progress in environmental matters must also incorporate a social element.
With regard to adapting to the consequences and impacts of climate change, the ONCE Social Group has analysed the main risks and opportunities to be taken into account. For this we develop initiatives to improve your resilience, as well as your assets, employees and other interest groups against climate impact.
To mitigate climate change, we work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through initiatives such as: improving the energy efficiency of our facilities, the use of renewable energies, changing energy sources in the activities with the highest emissions and promoting actions for a more sustainable mobility.
We advocate the need for a just and inclusive green transition. In the ONCE Social Group we always put people at the centre, so as to not leave them behind and provide them with employment and inclusion opportunities, with accessibility as a condition for the green transformation of our societies.
¿Qué es lo que más le motiva a nuestros trabajadores de trabajar en proyectos de sostenibilidad? Te lo cuentan ellos mismos.
The ONCE Social Group's commitment to sustainability is part of its very nature and raison d'être. Within the Group and all its areas, we have one crucial objective to generate a positive social impact, contributing to making the principle of equal opportunity for people with disabilities into a reality.
In the development of its purpose, strategy and performance, we integrate other issues related to good governance, responsible management and respect for the environment. We try to apply the best practices in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), whose most widespread denomination nowadays is sustainability, always taking into account the triple perspective E (Environmental), S (Social) and G (Governance).
In the development of its purpose, strategy and performance, we integrate other issues related to good governance, responsible management and respect for the environment. We try to apply the best practices in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), whose most widespread denomination nowadays is sustainability, always taking into account the triple perspective E (Environmental), S (Social) and G (Governance).
For the ONCE Social Group, sustainability represents an opportunity for the disability perspective to influence public and private policies and strategies developed by third parties. Sustainability is part of our agenda for institutional relations and public affairs.
The three executive areas that make up the Group have a Sustainability Policy and a Sustainability Strategy or Master Plan, which determine the focus and priority issues to work on.
We have incorporated sustainability-related commitments and actions in the latest Government Programmes and Development and Implementation Plans. In the Code of Ethics of the ONCE Social Group we have also included sustainability as value number 11, reflecting its progressive incorporation into our corporate culture.
The three executive areas that make up the Group have a Sustainability Policy and a Sustainability Strategy or Master Plan, which determine the focus and priority issues to work on.
We have incorporated sustainability-related commitments and actions in the latest Government Programmes and Development and Implementation Plans. In the Code of Ethics of the ONCE Social Group we have also included sustainability as value number 11, reflecting its progressive incorporation into our corporate culture.