In 2023, Ilunion achieved a record turnover of 1,142.8 million euros, 14% more than in 2022, and managed to ensure that its wor-kforce included 41.7% of people with disa-bilities, the differentiating element of the brand and the values it represents, which are recognised by Spanish society and in-ternationally. In recent years, Ilunion has broadened its purpose and works to build a better world with everyone included, which was made possible without ever losing focus on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace. In addition, this past year saw net invest-ments of more than 90 million euros. For the ONCE Social Group, data is impor-tant to illustrate the realities that lie benea-th them. In the case of Ilunion, the data is such because it firmly shows the dimension of an economic and social project that puts people first, especially those who have a disability or are at risk of exclusion. Hence our insistence on the idea that these numbers are people because, beneath the numbers, there lies the opportunity for a life. This is one of our keys to a management aimed at financial and general sustaina-bility but, above all, to make society as a whole (administrations, companies, insti-tutions and citizens) aware of the need to make the inclusion of people with disabili-ties and their talent an everyday reality. Ultimately, many people - especially in di-fficult situations - seek certainties, and this is what we illustrate with the data presen-ted here. Swipe to read more