Equality must be extended to all areas of life and, with education and employment on the forefront, people must have equal access to social and en-riching experiences such as culture, leisure and sport. Removing people with disabilities from the-se experiences for the sake of their disability is so-mething we fight against every day, both as parti-cipants and creators. 4.3 Effort to access leisure, culture and sport Keep reading Keep reading Keep reading In 2023, socio-cultural animation (a method of empowering people to participate in the development of their communities) and pro-motion activities continued to increase from previous years. A total of 6,665 activities were reached after the end of the pandemic, with 106,767 blind people participating. The most outstanding cultural initiatives in 2023: Judging of the 37th edition of the Tiflos li-terary competition, which received more than 1,800 entries, among which 40 were from visually impaired people. New Prometeo competition to stimulate creativity among students, with the parti-cipation of 87 visually impaired schoolchil-dren with 94 entries 3rd edition of the ZonaCreativ@ONCE youth competition with categories of short story, poetry, graphics, music, audio-visual and dissemination, with a total of 31 entries received. 309 performances and representations of the 15 Cultural Associations, bringing toge-ther 31 art groups (23 theatre and 8 music groups) The Audesc video library has 894 titles. In 2023, 4,520 blind people accessed fil-ms with audio description, with 206,046 downloads. During 2023, the ONCE Typhlological Mu-seum was visited by 15,506 people, organi-sed five temporary exhibitions and several complementary activities The ONCE also keeps a fund to finance a va-ried range of cultural and artistic projects (musical works, musical scores or books, books of all kinds, etc.) submitted by affilia-ted members, with some twenty receiving financial support. Swipe to read more